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What Habits Make a Great Blogger?

What Habits Make a Great Blogger?

What Habits Make a Great Blogger?

I have been chasing The Haze various blogs for some time now, and during that time, I have come to believe that what separates an ordinary blogger from a fantastic blogger is the power to be proactive. Of course, you want to have a passion for your niche, a good grasp of language and writing, and be an expert on what you are blogging about. All of these go into maximizing your opportunity for successful blogging. Not to mention that it takes hard work, loyalty, and uninterrupted growth of your blog.


The proactive blogger performs all of this and then aggressively hunts down new opportunities, data, and means of executing things that others will either sidestep or overlook. The proactive blogger is working when others have shut down for the day. With any ability, gift, or connection, blogging is one thing that takes practice, practice, and practice. It takes someone who is devoted to put out that excess sweat and do it repeatedly over time. There are tons of unusual methods for producing revenue with a blog. What separates those who say from those who succeed in the action. Proactive bloggers are constantly in motion, leading step-by-step actions to carry better news, information, and the up-to-date in whatever niche they’re blogging in.

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Information and software are so easy to obtain nowadays that making money is not nearly as hard as it used to be. With that overflow of information also follows the need to filter. Choose an interesting spot, then jump in and learn as you go. Filter out those things which are not a part of your niche, and continue to plow ahead, making connections and networking as you go.

4 Tips to Proactive Blogging

Tip #1 – Network. Blogging is social.

As you blog, you will, by nature, grow an electronic network of like-minded bloggers. Networking with other bloggers can be positive in various ways, including There is no limitation to what you can attain when you network with others.


One of the greatest ways to meet other bloggers is to take a proactive approach. Go in with the knowledge that other bloggers are ever interested in other quality bloggers in their niche. What normally keeps people back from being proactive is a dread of failure or rejection. Stride right past that concern. It’s normal. It’s actually the fear of the unknown, and it’s important to recognize that the worst that can come about is they can say, “No.” It’s called Fail Forward to Success, and it’s a numbers game. You need to get 20 “No thanks” in succession before you should step back and look at your approach. It is virtually impossible to get 20 of them in a row, by the way.

Tip #2 – Learn From Your Errors.

If you don’t try, you will never learn. Being proactive means that you should be open to both success and failure. In each instance, you will learn and keep going. In actuality, it’s better to fail first, take from the experience and then succeed. When touching others, it is always about given and take.

Tip #3 – Learn More – Learn Better.

We all have different ways that we learn, and learning to be proactive is no different. Learning from mistakes is one way. Another good way is to learn via online tutorials. There are online for just about everything from graphic design software like Photoshop and Illustrator to how to effectively internet market and blog. Nowadays, you can acquire videos on almost anything, and your learning curve is about 5x faster through video than reading. Proactive bloggers have a much higher level of learning simply because their activity and interactivity are that much higher. As you learn things, your learning curve will reduce simply because you build on what you already know. You will end up adding to your present and future efforts quickly as a result.

Tip #4 – You Will Achieve Long Term Goals

Begin taking steps towards reaching your long-range goals by executing more than that is essential. To grow and carry out goals quicker, errors will be made, but you will go much further because of your willingness to take action through the long haul. Feel you are already proactive? Well, here are great ways to increase your proactivity!

#1 – Start. Get Moving. Get Up and Move

One of the easiest and often disregarded methods of getting proactive and starting a blog falls under making those first steps. If you want to operate a blog, sign up for web hosting, figure and register a domain name, and set up a blog.

#2 – Write For Others

Guest posts are your best way towards establishing networks with other bloggers. After you have your blog up and going, drop a line for other blogs, and you’ll automatically learn individuals better. Other bloggers are always looking for premium content. If you contact them for guest blogging privileges, it will automatically get you incoming links to your blog and contact the other blog.

#3 – Comment on others blog posts

Blogging is totally about the conversation. Suppose you see an exciting post; comment on it. Others will set out to comment on your blog in return, and it starts a conversation. If you do this regularly, people will begin to take notice and do likewise. Think of it as a conversation. If you never say hello, the other person doesn’t say hello; there is silence. This is just a form of saying hello.

#4 – Social Media is the new platform

Getting involved in social media is a marvelous way to spring into the blogger flow. If you want to get to know other bloggers, blogs, and viewpoints, use social media networks like StumbleUpon, Digg and others. StumbleUpon is perfect for networking, and you can get traffic quickly to your site through just this one social media network.


There are truly several gains to being proactive. Blogging is about getting your views and thoughts about your niche out there. You want to provide info and viewpoints, instructions if you have it, and beliefs. It is a learning, evolving entity that you have control over. With practice, it will become second nature to you, and your incoming traffic will step up as a result.