Home Life Beauty Tips to consider if you’re getting a nose job!

Tips to consider if you’re getting a nose job!

Tips to consider if you’re getting a nose job!

A rhinoplasty or a nose job is undertaken to correct or reconstruct the form of one’s nose. It can be done to correct a defect or injury or enhance the form of the nose for aesthetics. The procedure can cost a lot and often leads to anxiety in people who undergo treatment for desirable results. The immediate effect of the surgery, like any other surgery, can lead to swelling and some pain and needs a considerable recovery period. Here are a few tips to adhere to if you’re planning for a nose job.

nose job

  1. Relax and De-stress before the nose job-

It is natural to feel nervous and restless before the surgery. Therefore make it a point to find yourself a way to relax and feel peaceful much before the operation. Some relaxation tips that you can try include meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and simply visualizing dreams and expectations, and thinking positively. Meditation and yoga especially can help you connect with your spiritual self and attain peace and calm. You could also arrange for a massage at your favorite spa.

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6.Educate yourself about the rhinoplasty procedure-

The more knowledge you have about something, the less anxious you feel. You would be better prepared if you know what to expect, so keep yourself well-informed about the procedure and ask your doctor questions about every aspect of the surgery- before, during, and after. You can also search about the same on the internet and find information on many websites and blogs.

7.Understand your expectations from the nose job-

Rhinoplasty will not change your life. Be aware of what you expect from the surgery. A nose job is not a make-over, and the shape of your nose can be enhanced only to a certain extent. Having too many expectations can lead to disappointment. Different noses have different potentials for change depending on their form and structure; hence have a conversation about the same with your surgeon. Doctors acknowledge that their patients should not expect a complete life change and only consider rhinoplasty for rational reasons.

8.Be aware of the recovery process-

Recovery from any surgery takes time and has side effects. The time of healing from a nose job will differ from patient to patient, but it generally takes a year or two for the nose to take its final shape. Your doctor shall give you a rough estimate of the recovery time and inform you about the side effects. The side effects from a nose surgery should subside with a month, and they include swelling, black eyes, and some amount of pain. You would also have to restrict your head from moving too much and sleep in a certain position. It is best to get a rhinoplasty only when you have some free time.

9.Some other tips to consider-

Have some help at hand, some family or friend to help you through the first week of recovery. Ensure all your work commitments have been met before you undergo surgery and take time off to heal. Since you would have to breathe through your mouth for some time, stock up on cool beverages and lip balms to avoid dryness. Also, stop smoking. Stop smoking for three to four weeks before the operation. Nicotine slows down healing. Stop using aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and herbal supplements two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery.


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