You’re driving down the road, going the speed limit, and the car behind you lays on the horn and passes you. The driver gestures rudely to you as he passes. How do you respond?

There is not enough kindness in this world. You see it daily on the roadways, shopping, and even in your neighborhood. But you can choose to be the change you want to see in the world.

Interact With People

3 Ways to Interact With Others That Will Make You More Charismatic | Entrepreneur

You have more in common with the people around you than you may know. And the only way to find out is to talk to them. While at the grocery store, compliment the woman waiting at the deli with you. Let someone go ahead of you at the checkout. Smile. You never know if someone’s having a bad day. A small act of kindness will make them feel even better.

Kindness starts in your backyard. What better way to spread happiness than to get to know your neighbors? Invite the new family on the block to a cookout. Send your sick neighbor a get-well-soon care package. Or wave hello to someone in the community as you cross paths.

Whether it’s a stranger or your spouse, taking time to interact with people is a simple yet powerful act of kindness. We are social beings. Talking with other people makes them feel better and improves your happiness.

Respect Coworkers

How to Show Respect for Colleagues

The average worker spends a third of their day at work. Considering the eight hours of sleep required each night, you realize how much time that is. You spend as much time with your coworkers as with your family. So, it’s very important to learn to like your colleagues.

Kindness at work extends beyond simple greetings in passing. With all your time with your coworkers, it’s best to remain cordial with them. That can begin with supporting them when they are overwhelmed. Help them with a project, take over small daily tasks, or even pick them up for lunch if they are busy. Providing support will go a long way in showing you care for their wellbeing.

Treat work friends like you would non-work friends with genuine tokens of your friendship. Celebrate birthdays, send random “thinking of you” cards, or buy little gifts. Go out after work or join each other for lunch on your day off. Even if you aren’t friends, you can still celebrate work accomplishments with your coworkers. Show kindness by congratulating your colleagues for the achievements they’ve made at work.

Find a Cause

Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits -

Donating to a cause is a great way to spread kindness. Find something that interests you, whether it’s the Animal Welfare Institute, Boys & Girls Club of America, or Doctors Without Borders. You want to identify something that you’re passionate about. Maybe it’s a cause you’ve known your whole life or something you just heard about. Or perhaps there’s a personal reason that you feel linked to the charity, making you want to help it even more.

But you can do more than donate money. Offer your time and resources to assist with a cause. Perhaps you can set out to do some fundraising for the organization. Social media and the internet have made fundraising that much easier. Speaking of social media, you can become an advocate for the cause through your social media channels.

When trying to find an organization, call around and ask pointed questions to uncover which you feel fits you best. Ask how you would be helping, where your financial donation goes, and their goals over the next five years. Don’t forget that you don’t need to narrow it down to one organization. You may discover that two or three charities spark your interest. In that case, help out more than one cause.

Be Kind to Yourself

How to be kind to yourself, starting right now | HealthShots

Don’t underestimate how much good you do with a random act of kindness. Most people limit acts of kindness because they don’t realize how much it’s appreciated. But these acts of kindness can be to yourself as well. Then you’ll truly realize how important they are.

To be kind to yourself, you need to take time to reflect on your desires and needs. This reflection will lead to self-awareness, enabling you to better face your day and your life. Journaling is a common means of self-reflection. Use this information to lead toward self-care. Uncover which activities help you feel revitalized and take the time to participate in them. Read a book, listen to music, dance, enjoy nature, or visit with friends. Whatever makes you feel energized is worth your time.

Don’t forget to set boundaries. This means sometimes saying no when your time or energy is zapped. You don’t have to allow others to attack your wellbeing unintentionally-. If you’re well being overloaded at work and given a new project, let your boss know about your situation. You’re the parent the school relies on for treats and volunteer work, but you have something else scheduled that day. Let them know. Just say no.

Cultivating Kindness

Cultivating Kindness - Focus on the Family

Kindness comes in many forms and can be shown to all people. Acts of kindness not only make the recipient feel happy, but they also improve the mental health of the person giving. People too often resort to anger in everyday situations. Adding kindness to the world is a great way to counterbalance rudeness, frustration, and impatience.

Please treat everyone with extra kindness, whether they’re your spouse, coworker, or a stranger. Even treat yourself with kindness. You can make this world better with simple acts of kindness in your daily routine.