Home Mobile iOS Apple’s latest iOS to target distracted driving

Apple’s latest iOS to target distracted driving

Apple’s latest iOS to target distracted driving

You’re caught in standstill visitors, and you have not moved in 20 mins. You experience your cell phone buzz to your pocket, so that you pull it out. But Apple’s subsequent update might stop you from being able to respond. The technology largely announced their iOS 11 might have an elective function that withholds notifications even as you’re using it. The “do not disturb while riding” feature can even have a vehicle-reply choice to permit people to recognize you’re on the street. Certain apps can be blocked altogether during the use of the function.

Few details were launched, so it’s unclear how the cell phone will sense how you are in the automobile; in different words, how it will realize if you’re riding or just a passenger. According to Tyler Chamberlain, a partner professor of business and generation at the University of Ottawa, the brand new era could use Bluetooth and GPS satellite tv for PC to pinpoint the consumer’s place. “You form of surprise, well, how is it going to understand if I’m using or if the character beside me is?” he stated. “We’re going to need to see.”

Apple sued over the rollout.

Apple's latest iOS to target distracted driving 1

Chamberlain started the era’s electricity over human temptation might be constrained, but. “If there is something that feels desirable or is thrilling, it is tough for us to keep away from those capacity distractions.”

Apple patent texting while driving

Apple’s patent application included drawings of capacity ‘safe’ and ‘hazardous’ areas to use your cell phone. (Apple)


The running system assertion came after Apple became sued in January for no longer liberating the technology sooner. The elegance motion lawsuit alleged the longer the tech massive delays the release, the more the threat to human existence. Apple filed for the patent in 2008 and obtained it in 2014. “There’s a poor attention toward this,” Chamberlain stated. “They do not need to look their users, or people in general, perishing at the roads.” According to a document using the Virginia Tech Institute, people who text even as riding are 23 times much more likely to be involved in a collision, according to a document using the Virginia Tech Institute.

IOS eleven will be to be had for download in the

For iOS users, being limited means it’s difficult to mess up. Android’s freedom comes with complexity. iOS comes uniform across all of their products. I can feel confident giving my 71-year-old grandmother an iPad, and she would likely not struggle with it. Android works best for a little more tech-savvy and for those who want something a bit more unique. If you need a user-friendly interface, then Apple may be the right choice.


Another major deciding factor is safety. Because iOS is uniform across all products, it is a lot easier to update the devices and fix security patches. Android is used across many different products and companies, meaning that security patches are slower and often require further patching and adjusting, leaving the user vulnerable. So which is better? While Android can boast that they are the best at customizability and compatibility, iOS can claim better user interface and security. Consider your needs to decide which type of product best fits your needs and your lifestyle.